Write SQL smoothly
- Unparalleled code completion with partial matching
- Customisable code snippets
- Intelligent JOIN condition suggestions
- Instant access to schema information.
Make code readable
- Customisable code reformatting
- Share formatting styles with team members
- Upper case keywords
- Qualify object names automatically.
Refactor your code
- Rename objects without breaking dependencies
- Encapsulate SQL code as a stored procedure
- Expand wildcards
- Split tables.
Explore your database
- Find invalid database objects
- Script objects as ALTER directly from queries
- View script summaries
- Find unused variables and parameters.
SSMS and Visual Studio Support
SQL Prompt supports both SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio:
- SQL Server Management Studio: 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2005, 2000, including SQL Server Express Edition
- Visual Studio Support: 2010, 2008, 2005
- Supports SQL Server on Amazon RDS.
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