Hardware support
Diskeeper Administrator runs on Windows XP Professional (x86 only), Windows Vista/7 Ultimate (x86/x64), Windows Vista Business (x86/x64), Windows 7 Professional (x86/x64), Windows Vista/7 Enterprise (x86/x64), Windows Server 2003 Standard (x86/x64), Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (x86/x64), Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (x86/x64) platforms (including compatible CPUs from other manufacturers), note: Diskeeper Administrator installs and runs only in 'compatibility mode' on x64 systems.
Resource requirements
The disk space requirements for Diskeeper Administrator depend on several factors. On most systems, Diskeeper Administrator will need 80 megabytes or less. Allow up to 450 MB of extra free space for temporary files during the installation. If Microsoft .NET connection software is not installed on your computer, this requires approximately 70 MB of additional disk space. Further, your system may require a new or updated version of the Microsoft Management Console (less than 6 MB). Finally, if Internet Explorer; is not present on your computer, some other needed files (hhupd.exe, 50comupd.exe, and wintdist.exe) may be added.
Additional software requirements
If you install the MSDE when you first configure the Diskeeper Administrator database, it initially requires less than 70 MB of disk space, although as the database grows, the additional disk space requirements will increase. Also, the MSDE uses the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), which will require approximately 26 additional MB of disk space if not already present on your system.