Granular user control
Only the Patch Management component allows you specify which users are permitted to take particular patching actions (such as deferring installation), to ensure that everyone gets updates as quickly as possible.
Real-time targeting criteria
The Patch Management component uses Validation Logic to help you target patches precisely to your users¿ needs via a simple interface. You can leverage more than 40 rule criteria and 150 variables that are updated automatically in real time.
Multi-language support
The Patch Management component supports downloading and installing patches in English, German, French, and Spanish.
Total update awareness
The Patch Management component determines which patches are relevant to various desktop configurations. For instance, desktops without certain applications enabled won't need the patches. Or, if two patches are available, and the later patch contains the first, only that later patch will be installed.
Tiered patch distribution
The Patch Management component supports multiple deployment servers, allowing you to distribute patches from the server closest to each desktop.