WCSC's Bluetooth Wireless Serial Adapter Software Development Kit provides an extremely easy to use API for using the Bluetooth Wireless Serial Adapter in multi-paired mode or standard paired mode.
This SDK ships with a new version of our configuration utility that in addition to allowing a Bluetooth wireless. adapter to connect/disconnect to any number of units discretely, allows sending files to the selected serial port.
- Connect/Disconnect from master adapter to any number of remote adapters.
- An updated version of the configuration utility that supports file transmission over the port connected to (ideal for sending programs to CNC machines like lathes, controllers, etc).
- A DLL that may be called from any tool or language capable of calling Windows DLLs including C/C++, Visual Basic, C#, and more.
- .Net compatible.
- Easy to use API.
- Ready to build C#, Visual Basic, C/C++ examples.
- Includes an unlimited license that allows the distribution of our DLLs and configuration utility with user developed custom application.
- Excellent documentation
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