LG Fortran Optimisations
Basic optimisation
Program reconstruction optimisations
Procedure optimisation
Statically link GCC object files
LG Fortran allows static linking with object files generated by the companion GCC C compiler and supports the ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module. Combine your Fortran and C code into one executable. For the routines you don't want to develop yourself, you can also link with C/C++ routines from commercially available libraries.
DLL Interfaces to Visual Basic, Visual C/C++, GCC and Microsoft .NET Languages
Create 32 and 64 bit Windows DLLs from your Fortran code and call the Fortran routines from 32 and 64 bit Windows programs created with Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, and Microsoft .NET languages.
Legacy Fortran support
LG Fortran provides an easy means of upgrading your old LF Fortran project files to work in the LGF development environment. The LGF project facility even supports switching compilers so that projects can use LF95 instead of LGF. LG Fortran extends its language support in other directions adding many legacy Fortran features, including g77 support and the various UNIX service routines. These features further facilitate your move to cost/performance efficiency on the PC platform.
Create highly optimised, inheritable, instantiable and static class objects
LG Fortran is a complete implementation of the ANSI/ISO Fortran 95 standard, provides major support for Fortran 2003, and extends significant support for the Fortran 2008 Standard.
Visual Studio 2012 shell with Lahey's exclusive Fortran support
Lahey's Visual Studio Fortran support is the most feature complete Visual Studio environment available. Their attitude is that the Fortran programmer deserves all the features and conveniences that the C# or Visual Basic programmer enjoys.
Winteracter Starter Kit
Use the Winteracter Starter Kit -WiSK - to create GUI-based Fortran programs, using standard Windows controls. WiSK is a subset of the Winteracter toolset created by Interactive Software Services, Ltd. Winteracter is a Fortran callable, user-interface and graphics development kit with versions available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X . Derived from Winteracter, WiSK provides a library of subroutines to manage user interface components such as windows, menus, dialogs, mouse and keyboard. Menus and dialogs are designed/maintained using the supplied visual resource editor, ResEdit. A manifest creation tool enables use of the latest visual styles on Windows XP onwards. A set of graphics primitives are also included in the WiSK library, along with source code for an emulation of the earlier Lahey Video Graphics Library. WiSK is completed by the Application Wizard, which provides a jump start when producing new GUI based applications.