Iocomp's ActiveX/VCL Std Pack is a suite of 29 controls written for use in creating professional instrumentation applications using ActiveX or VCL development environments.
These controls can be used for Scientific, Engineering, Medical, Oil and Gas, Semiconductor, Factory Automation, Aerospace, Military, Robotics, Telecommunications, Building and Home Automation, HMI, SCADA, and hundreds of other types of applications.
Includes the following controls: Edit, ModeComboBox, AnalogOutput, AnalogDisplay, Label, Knob, Slider, LedBar, LedSpiral, LinearGauge, Thermometer, Odometer, AngularGauge, Gradient, SwitchPanel, SwitchSlider, SwitchToggle, SwitchRotary, SevenSegmentAnalog, SevenSegmentInteger, SevenSegmentBinary, SevenSegmentHexadecimal, SevenSegmentClock, SevenSegmentCharacter, LedSwitch, LedRectangle, LedRound.
General Features
Visual C++ 6.0
Front Page
VS2003 (VB.Net, C#, C++)
VS2005 (VB.Net, C#, C++)
VS2008 (VB.Net, C#, C++)
Many More ActiveX Dev Environments
Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
C++ Builder 4, 5, 6
Delphi 2005
Turbo Delphi
Turbo C++ Builder
BDS 2006
Delphi 2007 and 2009
C++ Builder 2007 and 2009
RAD Studio 2007 and 2009
OS Support
OS's : 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, and Vista