Major features
- Create new zip files or update existing zip files on disk or in memory
- WinZip 12 compatible: WinZip 12 compatibility, supporting the LZMA algorithm for improved compression (Zip files using WinZip 12's special JPEG recompression feature are not supported)
- Zip or unzip to and from disks, memory or isolated storage (Improved in v2.0)
- Read, write and update zip files split into multiple parts (New in V2.0)
- Read, write and update zip files that span multiple disks (New in V2.0)
- Create powerful fully customized self-extracting zip files (New in V2.0)
- Supports the new Deflate64 compression method (New in V2.0)
- List contents of a zip file with complete file specifications
- Compress or decompress any .NET stream
- Compress and decompress byte arrays completely in memory
- Copy, move, rename, delete and change attributes of files and folders in a zip file, on disk, in memory or in isolated storage (Improved in v2.0)
- Copy, move, rename, delete and change attributes of files and folders on disk
- Zip password encryption
- One-line shortcut classes for basic zip file and compression operations
- Fully extensible classes so you can customize the library's functionality as needed
- Information-rich status report events with percentages, byte and file counts
- Programmable filter system to limit processing to specific files or folders, with built-in filters for file attribute, size, date timestamp and filenames. Create your own custom filters as needed.
Other features
- Zip password encryption on a per-file basis
- Recursively zip or unzip entire directories and their contents
- Control the path information stored in the zip file for each file or folder
- Zip or unzip only files newer than those already in the zip file or destination folder
- Overwrite files only in certain conditions
- Split zip file can use the Pkware or Xceed naming convention for each zip file part or create your own custom naming convention
- Split zip file parts can be written to different folders
- Triggers only the events your application subscribes to for increased performance
- Get and set individual file comments or the global zip file comment
- Supports different encryption passwords for each file
- Controllable compression levels and methods
- Zip files currently open for write operations by other processes
- Supports long filenames and UNC paths
- Ability to preview which files will end up being processed
- Process system and hidden files, overwrite read-only files
Self-extracting zip file features (New in V2.0)
- Create new self-extracting zip files or transform already existing zip files into self-extracting zip files.
- Self-extracting zip files can span multiple disks
- Creates 32-bit self-extracting zip files that work on all Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP operating systems or 16-bit self-extracting zip files that work on Windows 3.x as well
- Update and reconfigure an existing self-extracting zip file
- Customizable introduction message and dialog box titles
- Display a license agreement with configurable accept and refuse buttons
- Customize all other messages, prompts and button captions
- Customize the self-extracting zip file's application icon
- Set the default unzipping folder
- Allow user to select an alternate unzipping folder
- Request a password whenever an encrypted file is encountered
- The user can enter the decryption password or skip the file if they don't have the password for the file
- Display a text file after successfully unzipping files
- Customizable overwrite behavior with dialog box offering the user various overwrite options
- Display unzipping status
- User interaction and dialogs can be selectively shut off for quiet operation
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