Feature packed toolset
With controls for Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, .NET Compact Framework, iPhone and ActiveX, there are literally hundreds of controls including grids, charts, reports, schedules, menus, toolbars, Ribbon, PDF and more.
Design time support
SmartTag supports allows for easy customisation of controls within Visual Studio and ComponentOne SmartDesigner provides a rich interactive design interface to build more complex applications.
Consistent application styling with professional themes
Improve the appearance of your application, giving it a polished and professional look with the new 2013 Microsoft Office system and Windows 8 themes. An entire application theme can be applied by setting one property value.
Database application development
UI components can be bound to data sources without writing code. Replace the traditional ADO.NET dataset with ComponentOne DataObjects, and increase your application's performance. Access, scroll, and browse millions of database records instantly.
Consistent object models to accelerate your development skills
The consistent object models and documentation eliminate the learning curve when developing across application platforms.
Integration with Composite UI Application Block (CAB)
With Composite UI Application Block (CAB) you can take advantage of the powerful Microsoft Windows desktop. Build complex user interfaces that are easily deployed and configured, provide a rich user experience, and are developed in a predictable and agile way.