Building scheduling capabilities into your application requires that you deliver features end-users have come to expect from today's leading PIMs. An advanced scheduling system is not just about appearances but how information can be presented and processed by end-users in an efficient manner. Building upon the interface options introduced in Microsoft Outlook, ExpressScheduler gives you the ability to create a superior UI with unrivaled flexibility and design options. Once you begin using ExpressScheduler, you will find it one of the most capable products of its kind in the market and loaded with dozens and dozens of features that are a simple property setting away from implementation.
Days View and Time Rulers - The Day View offers the most detailed picture of events for a given day. It displays events within vertical timelines where an event's top-most edge corresponds to its start time and its bottom-most edge is the finish time. The primary features of this layout option are:
Week View - The ExpressScheduler Week view displays events for any given weekly period. Its primary features include:
Multi-Week View - The weeks view is the least detailed view designed to allow your end users to browse and analyze long-term plans. This view positions days one after another horizontally so that they construct weeks while weeks are placed one under another. Its primary features include:
Multiple Resources Display - The multiple resources display enables your end users to browse several plans (for any entity such as an individual or office location, etc) simultaneously. To enable this feature, you simply need to provide several resources in the bound storage. Each resource is just an ID for a particular plan - it has a unique label and a caption to display within the calendar. As such, it doesn't matter which resource types you need to display - human resources, department resources, etc. Once resources have been created, the scheduler will display several parallel timelines. Following is a brief overview of the features available within the multiple resource view:
Date Navigator - The ExpressScheduler's built-in date navigator offers extremely intuitive access to desired time frames. It doesn't matter whether you need to select a particular day, a range of days, a week or multiple weeks - everything is done with a single mouse operation! Each date selection change automatically updates the scheduler's view but this is not the end of the story - you can also use the date navigator as a separate control for any purposes you need. Its features include:
Control Box - The ExpressScheduler allows you to insert any control into the region under the built-in date navigator. This gives you the ability to provide really consistent user interfaces whenever you need to add custom control elements to a scheduler, imitate the MS Outlook's task list or display any other scheduling related information.