IPWorks .NET Components Included
- ATOM - ATOM client component supporting supporting both feed retreival and publishing. (V8+)
- REST - Standard REST client, facilitating access to REST style web services such as those from Amazon and eBay. (V8+)
- MX - Find email servers for a particular domain/address. Often used to verify email address input
- DNS - Full featured DNS component supporting every major DNS record format, including: AAAA (IPv6), Mailbox (MB), Mailbox Rename (MR), etc.
- NetCode - A collection of popular encoding and decoding functions: Base64, UUencode, URL, etc.
- RSS - Really Simple Syndication (RSS) component. Used for creating, retrieving, and editing RSS feeds. Supports RSS 0.91, 0.92, and 2.0
- NNTP - Read, search, and post articles on Internet Newsgroups (USENET)
- SMPP - Short Message Peer-to-Peer client component. Used to send SMS cellular text messaging
- POP - Easy retrieval of Internet Mail. Implements the standard POP3 protocol
- Rexec - Executes commands remotely on rexec-capable hosts: UNIX, mainframes, etc.
- Rshell - Executes commands remotely on rexec-capable hosts: UNIX, mainframes, etc.
- Syslog - Client and Server component capable of sending or receiving system log messages
- SMTP - Used to send Internet (SMTP) Mail. Standards-based and extensible
- WebDav - WebDAV Client component for distributed web authoring, versioning, and collaboration
- SOAP - Generic SOAP client supporting SOAP 1.1. Built on top of the IP*Works! XML parser
- XMPP - Lightweight XMPP (Jabber) Client for communicating with XML based Jabber Servers
- Telnet - Telnet client component. Easy to use, standards-based
- Ping - The Ping control encapsulates ICMP ECHO functionality
- TFTP - The TFTPClient control is used to exchange files with TFTP servers via the TFTP protocol
- FileMailer - The FileMailer control provides an easy way to send emails with file attachments
- UDPPort - Easy interface to UDP packet communications. Use to build clients or servers
- HTMLMailer - An easy way to send HTML Mail including embedded images
- WebForm - The WebForm control is used to POST data to interactive web pages or scripts
- NetClock - The NetClock control provides the current (GMT) time from an Internet Time Server
- WebUpload - The WebUpload control is used to upload files to web servers
- RCP - The RCP control implements Remote Copy Protocol, used to transfer files between systems
- Whois - The Whois control allows you to query a WHOIS Server for Domain registration information
- FTP - Transfer files to and from FTP servers. Easy, plug and play, extensible interface
- XMLp - SAX2 compliant XML parser with support for XPath DOM traversal and XML structure validation
- HTTP - Access the World Wide Web from your applications, including HTML forms
- SNPP - Send messages to alphanumeric pagers through standard Internet Paging Gateways
- IMAP - Easy access to corporate mail servers such as Microsoft Exchange
- MIME - Easily encode and decode MIME structures such as message attachments, file uploads, etc.
- IPInfo - A collection of DNS and other database functions. Both direct and reverse DNS queries. (not available for Pocket PC)
- IPDaemon - Generic TCP server component. Asynchronous, event-driven architecture
- IPPort - Generic TCP stream client component. Asynchronous architecture
- NetDial - Easy access to the Windows RAS layer. Manages dialup connections
- LDAP - Search, manage, and maintain Internet Directory (LDAP) servers
- ICMPPort - Easy access to the IP control layer. Base for utilities such as ping; traceroute; etc.
- MCast - Internet Multicast component. Asynchronous architecture. Use to build clients or servers
- TraceRoute - The TraceRoute control allows you to trace the path IP packets take on the Internet
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