SharePointBoost is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and works closely
with Microsoft and numerous SharePoint consulting firms to develop and
deploy small scale SharePoint solutions and web parts
AD Administration (ADA) is a SharePoint Web Part that allows
administrators to delegate user management permissions to specific users
such as managers so that they can create, manage, and delete users and
groups, reset users’ passwords, and edit AD profile information from
within a predefined OU.
Key Features:
- Grant any user the ability to change other people's AD properties
- Grant any user with authoritative power to manage organisational units, users and groups in AD
- With the permission of the administrator, users can email other users or groups directly from
- within AD Administration Web Part
- Restrict users from managing certain properties
- Define delegation scope and permission for each user
- Display users, groups and sites in an organisation view, alphabetical view or sites view
- Record each operation in a log file
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