supports migration of tables, constraints, indexes, views, stored
procedures, functions and triggers.
Key features include:
- Transfers data including LOB (images, binary data, formatted
text) and Spatial (GIS) data and converts tables (default values, null
and identity properties, check and unique constraints, primary and
foreign keys, comments), indexes, views, triggers, stored procedures and
- Resolves reserved word and identifier conflicts.
- Makes possible renaming each database object and table column.
- Uses the export/import process that provides the most flexible capabilities for managing migration.
- Allows migrating between geographically divided databases.
- Uses open formats facilitating customisation and extension of migration tasks.
- Exports database structures to SQL scripts and data to ASCII text
files (CSV, SQL INSERT statements, TABdelimited, fixed length and
other formats).
- Allows you to automate migration process with the help of the SQLWays command line tool.
- Data export and transformation modules written in C/C++.
- Makes possible migration of databases to IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase and MySQL on different platforms.
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