Ginger Proofreader, the first product that was released based on the NLP platform, is a free spelling and grammarcheck; it is suitable for both native English speakers and speakers of English as a Second Language (ESL). Ginger Proofreader checks and corrects spellcheck, misused words and grammar mistakes in accordance with the context of the full sentence. Even when a word is spelled correctly, Ginger Proofreader checks its grammar usage to ensure it makes sense in the sentence and, if needed offers alternatives to the word.
Ginger Proofreader can also be used seamlessly in MS-Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, IE, Firefox and Chrome, enabling cross-platform users to correct their text with a single click. With the award-winning Ginger Proofreader, users can be confident that their emails and documents are using properly structured grammar and use proper spelling.
Ginger helps native English speakers, as well as ESL speakers, use and enhance their language skills. The Sentence Rephraser analyzes users' text and creates variations of the same sentence to enhance users' communication. Ginger’s Personal Trainer creates tailor-made lessons, based on analysis of users' own writing, to help those who wish to improve their English. Finally by using the Text Reader, users can hear what they wrote in a U.S. or U.K. accent as spoken in the voice of a male or female reader.
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