Get down to business by converting all your paper files and PDFs into truly editable digital files and forms with the most powerful OCR software, OmniPage Ultimate.
OmniPage’s interface instantly places the power of OmniPage at your fingertips. Simply choose your answer to "What do you want to do?” and you’re ready for business.
OmniPage Ultimate’s onboard DocuDirect™ can be installed on a network server or shared computer that is connected to one of these devices. Automatically send converted files to a predefined destination, multiple destinations or on-demand to anyone, anywhere.
OmniPage Ultimate features the most accurate conversion to searchable PDFs. With its intelligent eDiscovery Assistant create a searchable PDF you can quickly access on your desktop.
OmniPage Ultimate recognizes more than 120 languages. Process, edit, and store documents from anywhere in the world. OmniPage Ultimate includes the recognition of languages based on the Latin-, Greek- and Cyrillic alphabets as well as Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.