Datawatch Server lets you easily share all the answers you discover in your data with others throughout your organization.
Automator Server is server-based data distribution, migration and integration solution which automatically creates and delivers customised data across your organisation.
DeZign for databases is a database design tool that helps you model,
create and maintain databases.
Stylus Studio X15 XML Enterprise Suite is an advanced XML Integrated
Development Environment (XML IDE) consisting of hundreds of powerful XML
tools in one all-inclusive suite, and high-performance Java & .NET
components to design data integration applications.
DesLock+ enables transparent encryption of files, folders and e-mails and includes an optional USB token. Support is provided for AES, 3DES and Blowfish algorithms.
WebApp Studio is an easy-to-use visual development environment that includes several tools and wizards that generate HTML and server-side scripts automatically. It is a complete suite of visual tools for building web applications and provides a high degree of flexibility. It also contains an open interface for wizards for adding custom-developed wizards to fit the specific needs of an application. WebApp Studio is for development and testing and is licensed per developer.