Our products for IBM zEnterprise - making your mainframe work even smarter.
The Micro Focus Enterprise product set tackles the application innovation modernization needs of IBM mainframe development and delivery teams. Our enterprise application knowledge, development, test and workload deployment tools significantly improve the efficiency of business application delivery, IT leaders to transform their zEnterprise environment.
CrashPlan PROe is cross platform backup software that enables users to access backed up files from any computer or mobile device.
Download web sites to your disk and browse them any time fast. Never loose a piece of web information. Freeze the changing web for your convenience, travelling and presentations! Use Offline Explorer - over than 12 years experience with frequent updates to support all modern technologies and sites.
MetaProducts Offline Exploreris a Windowsoffline browser*** that allows you to download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, HTTPS and FTP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing (RTSP, PNM and MMS downloads are supported inOffline Explorer Proversion.) Offline Explorer can create static offline copy of SharePoint and ASP/ASPX sites.
Here is a typical situation: You see a fantastic high contrast scene and you take a picture. But the result is far from being the magical image you see with your own eyes.
Human eyes are very adaptive and far more sensitive to intensity than a digital camera.
Issue Trackeris a bug and issue tracking tool designed to integrate with the popular TeamCoherence Software Configuration Management (SCM) tool.Trackereither runs standalone, or integrates tightly with Version Manager to add Bug and Issue tracking and to link issues with file archives.
UsingIssue Tracker, you can log and control the progress of several different types of Issue, including Bug Reports and Feature Requests, and maintain a history of how these issues progress. The tight integration with TeamCoherence Version Manager means that Issues can be associated with project files, and vice versa.