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Asset Tracker for Networks inventories the local area network and provides the Network Administrator with the comprehensive reports on the PC and network equipment installed in the company
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BSC Designer is a balanced score card (BSC) support software. It was designed to help building balanced score card.

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AIT is committed to creating a fertile environment for high quality advanced education and research innovation and is widely recognized as a private non-profit, socially conscious, academic institution that promotes international education and research standards. AIT’s deeply held belief is that science and technology lead to human progress and empowerment by providing new opportunities to all
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SecuBox Encryption SDK is a developer toolkit for instant integration of the on-the-fly encryption into any Windows Embedded Compact/Windows CE application.

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ActiveUp.MailSystem is a suite of .NET components that provide e-mail tools and features with full support for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4 and NNTP and extended support for MIME and S/MIME,
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Agena is a provider of state-of-the-art risk analysis and decision support software. It was formed in 1998 on the back of a body of widely respected academic research carried out by Norman Fenton (CEO) and Martin Neil (CTO). This research focused on the use of large-scale Bayesian networks in a range of different domains.

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The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) supports and advises governing bodies of schools in the independent sector on all aspects of governance, under the umbrella of the Independent Schools Council.
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Install this snappy new webmail solution on your own network.

AfterLogic WebMail Pro is a browser-based e-mail front end, designed to work with your existing messaging solutions. From an administrator's perspective, the application is easy to install on your own server, easy to integrate and easy to maintain.

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Affixion was founded in 2003 and is based in the the Netherlands.Use LinKit! to link help topics to virtually any Microsoft Windows application without needing to access to the source code, topic-ID or Help API calls.
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AdventurerLand Entertainment is an enterprise specifically created to provide integrated professional services for the game industry. AdventurerLand is committed to provide users with the highest quality and innovative middleware at an affordable price.
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ChartDirector is a charting and graphics component library for web servers and for embedding in applications. It supports for .NET, ASP, COM, VB, JSP Java, PHP, Perl, Python, C++.
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Adlib Software was founded in 1988 and is a producer of server-based PDF editing, document conversion and OCR software solutions. Its products integrate with enterprise applications or act as stand alone document management software solutions, supporting compliance with internal processes and regulatory bodies using standard electronic document formats such as PDF, PDF/X and PDF/A.
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Die Kommunikationsindustrie erfährt z. Zt. tiefgreifende Veränderungen, wobei ICT-Konvergenz, Managed Services, Cloud und die damit verbundenen Chancen auf jeder Agenda stehen.


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The award-winning VBScript editor that dramatically reduces the time you spend writing
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Multi-Page TIFF Editor (MPTE) is a complete solution for viewing, editing, creating and converting multipage TIFF files.
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AddOnMail was formed in 2000 in Meudon-la-Forêt near Paris by four e-mail engineers to develop e-mail plug-in software with consultion and support.
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