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Arkeia Disaster Recovery is a powerful Linux Disaster Recovery module that can be added to provide the ultimate in security. Fully automated disaster recovery processes restore the Linux machine from scratch, even if the server is stolen or totally destroyed.
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Aqua Data Studio is a complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for database query, administration and development. It supports all major database vendors, works on all major operating systems and is localised for 21 languages. Aqua Data Studio scales with your ever growning datasets and can query and manipulate Big Data effortlessly.
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dotDefender is a software based web application firewall. dotDefender complements the network firewall and other network-based internet security products by intercepting seemingly legitimate users attempting to use the web application to commit fraud, or gain access to valuable and confidential information.

dotDefender uses a number of engines to detect and prevent hacking attacks, including Pattern Recognition, a Signature Knowledgebase, Data Leakage Protection (DLP), and Upload Inspection.

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Files Together is a web based file manager that runs on Apache/IIS or any web server that supports php on any OS (windows/Linux etc). You can use our web based file manager to create web file sharing solutions for your organisation.

If your organisation has a requirement to distribute or share files with customers, suppliers, outsourced workers or anyone beyond your network then our Files Together web based file manager is the best solution for you.

There is no limitation on what types of digital file media you can use including, word and excel documents, images, audio, video, publishing layouts, presentations and PDF files.

Installation of our web based file manager is easy with our advanced installer that copies the files to your server and then starts the easy web installation.
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DiskWarrior is the safest, most technologically advanced, most powerful utility to eliminate directory damage and recover your files, folders and documents. DiskWarrior is so advanced it can even recover your data from a failing hard drive. Yet all that power is hidden behind one button.
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HASP4 (Hardware Against Software Piracy) system helps software developers to protect their intellectual property and increase revenue. It contains a new proprietary ASIC chip that prevents reverse engineering and an on-chip encryption engine. HASP4 is compatible one for end-users with parallel, USB, ADB and PCMCIA versions.
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AppletFile is designed to improve the process of exchanging files between a web client and server using standard web protocols. A set of Java Applets extend web browser capabilities providing a focus on the client side user interface.
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The ActiveFile component enables files to be exchanged between ASP applications and web clients. It is compliant with RFC 1867 and provides file upload and download capabilities that work seamlessly with all of the leading web browsers. Use Active Server Pages scripting to enable an application to manipulate files and directories using a robust set of objects and methods.

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Use LinKit! to link help topics to virtually any Microsoft Windows application without needing to access to the source code, topic-ID or Help API calls. The process of linking has been reduced to a simple drag-and-drop action. Linked topics can be viewed by clicking an icon on the toolbar or pressing a freely selectable shortcut key or key combination. LinKit! comprises:-
  • LinKit! Manager: module used to create and maintain links between windows and/or dialogue boxes of one or more applications and topics from one or more help files
  • LinKit! Activator: runtime engine that runs on end-user PCs and displays the appropriate Help topics on demand. Linked topics can be called by clicking an icon or pressing a selectable short cut key or key combination.
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Simple-WEBCACHE is a complete operating system and caching module in one CD, that speeds up your school or business Internet / Network.
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Simple-STORAGE is the solution for small schools and business. A centralized storage product that enhances any network and takes little time to set-up, with no IT engineer or special skills required.
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ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server is a database oriented SMS messaging framework, to support low - and high volume SMS messaging. Use custom VBScript programs to process incoming SMS messages. The mission of the product is to provide companies with a fast and reliable framework to send, receive and process SMS- and e-mail messages. The product runs as a service on a Windows 2008/2003/2000/7/Vista/XP platform.
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ActiveXperts SMS Component (previously called The ActiveXperts Mobile Messaging Toolkit) lets you add SMS capabilities to any Windows or .NET application.

ActiveXperts SMS Component provides developers with a fast, reliable and easy to use interface (API) for sending and receiving SMS and Pager messages.

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ActiveXperts Serial Port Component (previously known as ActiveComport Serial Port Toolki) lets you add serial communications to any Windows or .NET application. Adding serial communications requires specialized knowledge that might be outside an individual programmer's expertise. For years, developers have relied upon the power and reliability of the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component serial communications control.

  • Easy to use API
  • Control devices over a serial port
  • 32-bit ActiveX and 64-bit ActiveX included
  • Samples available in C#, VB, ASP.NET, HTML, PHP, Javascript, Delphi and more
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ActiveXperts Email Component (previously called ActiveEmail) lets you add SMTP/POP3 capabilities to any Windows or .NET application .ActiveXperts Email Component provides an easy-to-use programming interface to SMTP- and POP3 email communications. It's perfectly suited for situations in which e-mails need to be sent/received automatically, in batches, from custom applications, webservers, or from the command-line.
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WPF Studio is contains all of our individual WPF control products, along with free upgrades and any new products added to WPF Studio for a year.
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