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Hỗ Trợ Kỹ Thuật 2
AdminStudio is a software repackager that can create MSI or virtual packages to deploy to desktops with a 99% success rate. AdminStudio is the only virtual packaging solution for multiple virtualisation technologies - Microsoft App-V, VMware ThinApp & Citrix XenApp. AdminStudio improves application reliability, cuts packaging time and helps migration to Windows 7 and Windows 8. Created packages can be tested by AdminStudio using a variety of tools to ensure package integrity and successful deployment.

NEW! AdminStudio 2013, just released, introduces improved App-V support, a new Mobile Add On Pack to help manage mobile apps, new platform API commands and more.

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Giá: Liên hệ
Workflow Manager is a process management solution that enables you to control desktop management processes including application readiness, application virtualisation and OS migrations. Workflow Manager can be used by teams of every size to centrally control the software packaging process - right from the application request submissions through to the deployment. Integrating with AdminStudio, it can include AdminStudio tasks and show packaging progress automatically in the Workflow Manager UI. With Workflow Manager you give your end-users an easier way to submit packaging requests and monitor the entire packaging process.
Kho hàng: Có hàng
Giá: Liên hệ
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