Affixion was founded in 2003 and is based in the the Netherlands.Use LinKit! to link help topics to virtually any Microsoft Windows
application without needing to access to the source code, topic-ID or
Help API calls.
Use LinKit! to link help topics to virtually any Microsoft Windows
application without needing to access to the source code, topic-ID or
Help API calls. The process of linking has been reduced to a simple
drag-and-drop action. Linked topics can be viewed by clicking an icon on
the toolbar or pressing a freely selectable shortcut key or key
combination. LinKit! comprises:-
LinKit! Manager: module used to create
and maintain links between windows and/or dialogue boxes of one or more
applications and topics from one or more help files
LinKit! Activator: runtime engine that runs on
end-user PCs and displays the appropriate Help topics on demand. Linked
topics can be called by clicking an icon or pressing a selectable short
cut key or key combination.