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ExpressLayout Control is a native VCL component that provides a new way to design and manage your Windows forms. With ExpressLayout Control, you can construct forms with full runtime customization, allowing end-user to tailor the appearance of your user interface to suit their individual needs. At the heart of the ExpressLayout Control lies a basic concept, you build a layout using 'items', from control containers providing automatically aligned labels to auxiliary items, such as splitters. With ExpressLayout Control, you are freed from manual, pixel-by-pixel positioning of individual controls and liberated from runtime screen resolution problems so common in Delphi/C++ Builder applications. ExpressLayout Control with Source Code Licenses available.
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ExpressGridPack is a suite of VCL components that includes ExpressQuantumGrid Suite - for adding grid, treelist, and data editor capability, ExpressPrinting System - allows Delphi and C++Builder developers to bring their UI to the printed page.ExpressLayout Control - form layout customization control allowing you to easily arrange controls and make them automatically resizeable with the container. ExpressSkins Library - application-wide skinning library providing cutting-edge look and feel options inspired by popular software products as well as unique skins designed by DevExpress. ExpressPivotGrid Suite - radically improve the way in which data-centric applications deliver information to end-users. ExpressVerticalGrid Suite - "inverted" grid control which lets you instantly create a consistent, flexible, and uniform UI across your entire application. ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite - multi-purpose data visualization system that can operate as a tree for a list.
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ExpressFlowChart is a native VCL component designed to help you present charts, schemes, hierarchies, and graphs of any complexity with minimal coding and programming effort. With ExpressFlowChart Suite you can create information flow-workflow diagrams, hierarchical charts and displays, network layouts, and even your favorite city map.ExpressFlowChart Suite Includes a built-in Runtime Chart Editor, full drag-and-drop support, and more.
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ExpressDBTree Suite provides you with a series of powerful and easy-to-use tree controls for the display of recursive data in an application. Features such as smart-record loading improve the performance and flexibility of the control to a point that these structures no longer have an adverse performance impact. Intelligent field propagation insures that your data is correct during drag and drop events and when creating nodes.
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Add Office toolbar, ribbonbar, menu and sidebar navigation to your applications. ExpressBars Suite is an advanced toolbar, menu, andsidebar navigation system for Delphi and C++Builder developers with complete support for the look, feel, and behavior of Microsoft Office. This 100% native VCL library is designed to free your end-users from the limitations imposed by standard menu and toolbar systems, while at the same time enabling full runtime customization, all without writing a single line of code. ExpressBars Suite Source Code Licenses available.
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DXTREME is designed to help you build apps for Android, Apple, and Windows 8 using technologies that web devs know inside and out like HTML, JavaScript, CSS and a XAML (for Win8 only). It includes a set of libraries, controls and other assets that abstract away the complexities of building applications for all of these different platforms. It integrates directly with Visual Studio and comes with a project template that you can use to build apps.
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DevExpress for building one of the most powerful, feature rich control suites on the market. Your superior support staff is second to none! I can't even begin to measure the amount of time the controls have saved me. And to see the look on people's faces when they experience the controls first hand, is priceless!
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Wijmo contains over 40 UI widgets for creating websites and web apps with everything from interactive menus to rich charts. Each widget has a full set of features, comprehensive documentation and outstanding performance. Built using HTML5, jQuery and jQuery UI, the controls are easily stylable - either using the included themes designed especially for Wijmo, the 30+ themes available from the jQuery UI project or by creating your own via the jQuery ThemeRoller. Plus they work across multiple browsers including IE6+, Firefox 3+, Safari 3+ and Chrome.
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ComponentOne Studio for WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) provides powerful, visually rich controls. Use the data grid control to allow users to effortlessly sort, group and filter data, the chart control to visualise your data with numerous chart types and themes, the scheduler control to provide powerful scheduling functionality, the report control for data reporting and exporting, and more. The controls are easy to style, support data binding to numerous sources and are customisable to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, Studio for WPF fully supports XBAP to deploy WPF applications with ComponentOne WPF controls through an internet browser.
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Get UI controls for data visualisation, layout, input, and more inside ComponentOne Studio for WinRT XAML. Based off ComponentOne's popular Silverlight controls and designed to enhance the rich user experience of the WinRT platform, these controls give you powerful and unique functionality to help you build better and more compelling Windows Store apps.
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ComponentOne Studio for Windows Forms provides a comprehensive suite of Windows Forms controls including data grids, charting tools and a reporting solution - in total over 60 controls. Amongst the highlights are the data grid controls to provide grouping, filtering, sorting and more, the charting control to visualise data with over 80 different chart types complete with powerful chart designer and the reporting controls to provide powerful reporting capabilities with 34 built in templates and a Report Designer. The suite of controls ships with multiple themes that can be applied to all the controls including a Windows 7 theme and a Microsoft Office 2010 theme.
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ComponentOne Studio for Windows Phone includes over 15 UI controls for data visualisation, rich text editing, data input and layout, as well as four class libraries which speed up development time. Designed to enhance the rich user experience of Windows Phone 7, these controls give you powerful and unique functionality to help you build better and more compelling apps.
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ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight, one of the most comprehensive Silverlight control suites on the market, provides over 40 controls including grid, chart, map, and rich textbox controls. Amongst the highlights are the RichTextBox control which supports images, lists, hyperlinks and HTML, the DataGrid with speedy performance, and support for filtering, grouping and sorting, the Chart control with a range of chart types and the Data control to make writing data-centric applications easy. ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight ships with over 60 examples, complete with source code and comprehensive documentation.
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Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch is designed to help business users and developers rapidly develop data-based applications with minimal code. ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch Complete takes this concept to the next level by providing two sets of extensions, one for the HTML Mobile Client and another for the Silverlight Desktop Client, that snap right into your application and instantly extend their functionality.
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ComponentOne Studio for iPhone is an ASP.NET component suite enables the building of web applications that mimic the iPhone and iPod touch native user interfaces. Users can use their existing ASP.NET skills to create applications for the iPhone, Palm Pre and Android devices and can develop apps using the iPhone UX.
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ComponentOne Studio for Compact Framework (formerly ComponentOne Studio for Mobile Devices) includes three components, ComponentOne FlexGrid™ for Mobile Devices, ComponentOne Chart™ for Mobile Devices and ComponentOne Zip™ for Mobile Devices. ComponentOne Studio for Compact Framework is a comprehensive components subscription that delivers the latest ComponentOne components for Mobile Devices, updates and upgrades, new software offerings, and e-mail and online support for one full year from your date of purchase. ComponentOne Platinum Support Subscriptions provide a full year of Telephone and Online Technical Support. ComponentOne Studio for Compact Framework (ComponentOne Studio for Mobile Devices) is also available as part of the ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.
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